Thursday, May 9, 2019

Mermaid Drawing!

I think my favorite part of this drawing was the mermaid on the stranded rock in the middle of nowhere.  I did this mermaid drawing by my own and had absolutely tutorial video and not traced!!!  I think I can practice a little more on the seagulls, palm tree and my dolphin. My palm tree just doesn't look right to me. One day I hope to color this picture with colored pastel chalk. Soon, I can also add more dolphins and seagulls.

Personalized Washer Pendant

It may sound wierd stamping on a washer,but it is a mens gift. There are other ones for women. The washers are a man gift because the women's gift could possibly bend if the men are strong enough.  These washers can be a key chain or a chain necklace. There are 2 colors to choose from, brass and zinc.

PI Day!!!

On March 14th, was 𝚷 day (𝚷 = pi) 3.14, my mom and I and all three of my brothers all helped bake 2 cherry pies! We measured our pies circumference was 28.27 inches. We may have coked it too much and burned it, but just a little.

Everyone was super excited to taste it (our family loves cherry pies). When we all took a bite and ate the whole thing, we wanted seconds and thirds. It was super good.